Victim/Witness Program


The Mono County Victim/Witness program is a division of the Mono County District Attorney’s Office and provides free services to victims of all crimes as well as support services to families and friends.  A victim does not have to report a crime to law enforcement to be eligible for some of the services that the program provides.  The office has on staff professionals who are available, dedicated and compassionate when it comes to helping victims of crime. 

Victim Advocates are trained professionals with specialized knowledge of and training in the criminal justice system, victimology, crisis intervention, cultural and ethnic diversity, counseling and the California Victims of Crime Compensation Program. 

Services offered:

Crisis Intervention – Crisis intervention counseling and support for victims.
Emergency Assistance – Assistance with meeting immediate needs of victims, such as food, shelter, transportation, and medical care.  
Referral Counseling – Counseling and/or Directing victims to community resources for assistance.
Orientation to the Criminal Justice System – Explaining the system and providing information about cases.
Case Disposition/Status – Keeping Victims/Witnesses aware of the investigation and prosecution of their case.
Property Return – Ensuring the prompt return of property used as evidence.
Court Assistance/Support – Assisting with court appearances, including providing transportation to and from court.
Restraining Orders – Assist in obtaining retraining orders, including providing transportation to and from court.
Restitution – Helping to obtain court-ordered restitution from convicted offenders and representing them in Restitution Court. 
Victim of Crime Claims – Assisting victims in preparing and submitting application to the state to receive compensation for their losses such as lost wages, medical expenses.
Presentations – Promoting awareness of program services to the public, criminal justice agencies and victim service organizations.
Transportation – Transportation to and from court, counseling and/or trauma centers, as needed to assist in their case.
Other Assistance as Needed – Childcare, creditor/employer intervention, notification of friends or relatives, transportation, etc.

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Assisting victim