Mono County Public Health is happy to announce that we are conducting a 2024 Community Health Needs Assessment and Implementation Plan. A full report will be created and made available upon the conclusion of the assessment.
Mono County Health Department and Mammoth Hospital worked collaboratively to develop the 2019 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) and Implementation Plan. The Mono County CHNA was completed in June of 2019 and includes detailed information about the health issues, including social determinants of health facing communities throughout Mono County.
As part of the CHNA process, the CHNA Steering Committee reviewed the quantitative and qualitative data and utilized prioritization criteria to identify community health needs to focus on over the next three (3) years. The four (4) community health priorities are:
Substance Use Prevention and Treatment
Behavioral Health Access, Prevention, and Treatment
Clinical Care Access and Preventative Care
Dental Care Access and Preventative Care
The four (4) community health priorities are in alignment with the health needs identified by community members and key stakeholders. Resources available in the community to meet each of the four (4) priorities are included in the CHNA. In addition, current and future initiatives identified by key stakeholders, are included in the Implementation Plan appendixes.
A workgroup was held for each of the four community health priorities between September 16 and September 18, 2019. Key stakeholders were invited to provide input on each of the areas and to help develop an implementation plan. Each work group was asked four (4) questions specific to each of the community health priorities:
- What initiatives does your organization have in place now?
- What initiatives does your organization have planned for the future?
- What are the gaps in services or programs?
- What programs could be provided if resources and capacity were not an issue?
Workshop attendees and a summary of feedback is included in Appendixes 1 – 8.
Community Health Needs Assessment Implementation Plan
Based on the information collected as part of the CHNA and feedback from the workgroups, strategies were developed for each community health priority. In some instances, objectives were modified from those initially published in the CHNA to better reflect the strategies established by stakeholders.
The implementation plan for each priority including objectives, strategies and measures of success are included in this report:
Mono County CHNA Implementation Plan [2]
Follow up workshop Community Health Improvement Plan Meetings:
March 23, 2020: Oral Health (8:30-10am)
Clinical Care & Wellness (10:30am-12pm)
March 24, 2020: Substance Use (8:30-10am)
Behavioral Health (10:30 am- 12pm)
Location: Mammoth Hospital, Conference Rooms A/B
Thank you for your participation in the Community Health Needs Assessment. Survey results have been analyzed and the final report is available to the public.
Community Health Needs Assessment Final Report [3]
Community Health Needs Assessment Executive Summary [4]
Gracias por su participación en la Encuesta de Necesidades de salud de la Comunidad. La encuesta ya está cerrada. Los resultados de la encuesta han sido analizados y el informe final está disponible para el público.
Evaluación de las necesidades de salud de la comunidad -RESUMEN EJECUTIVO [5]