Women, Infants and Children (WIC) is a nutrition education program that provides healthy food options and lactation support for families. Newly pregnant parents, migrants, working families, military families, partners, and foster parents/guardians of children under 5 years old are encouraged to apply.
Families may qualify if they live in California and:
- Are pregnant, breastfeeding, postpartum; or care for a child under age 5 and
- Have low-to-medium income or receive Medi-Cal, CalWORKs (TANF), or CalFresh (SNAP) benefits.
WIC offers families
- Nutrition and Health Education
- Information covered includes: prenatal and postpartum women's health, feeding your infant and child, building healthy lifestyles, parenting tips
- Breastfeeding and Chestfeeding Education and Support
- This support may include one-on-one support from a lactation counselor and loan of a breast pump.
- WIC provides an EBT card to purchase nutritious foods that are high in vitamins A and C, protein, iron, and calcium. These nutrients are key to good health of pregnant women and breastfeeding women, as well as good health and development of infants and children. Your WIC healthy foods will depend on your preferences and your child’s age. WIC foods include:
- Fruits and vegetables
- Eggs
- Dairy products like milk, cheese, yogurt
- Soy alternatives like soymilk, tofu
- Whole grains like bread, brown rice, cereal, pasta, tortillas
- Peanut butter
- Beans
- Vitamin C juices
- Infant cereals and jarred baby foods
- Infant formula
- Canned fish
- Referrals and help finding health care and other community services.
We are currently providing remote and in-person services, as needed. To schedule an appointment with Mono County WIC, please call the Mammoth Lakes office at (760) 924-4610.
To learn more about WIC services here: https://www.myfamily.wic.ca.gov/ [2]
or check your eligibility at: https://myfamily.wic.ca.gov/Home/AmIEligible#step1 [3]
WIC hosts a Virtual Lactation Support Group for any/all lactating parents (you do not have to be a WIC participant to participate in the Lactation Support Group).
- Lactation resources for participants and providers:
AAP Breastfeeding Action Plan for the First 14 Days https://downloads.aap.org/AAP/PDF/11.3.2021%20AAP%20Breastfeeding%20Acti... [4]
Website in English, includes some Spanish resources https://physicianguidetobreastfeeding.org/ [5]
- Website in Spanish https://asi-iycf.org/ [6]
- Lactation handouts in multiple languages https://www.lactationtraining.com/resources/handouts-parents [7]
NOTICE: If you are currently having difficulties finding infant formula at the store, please call the WIC office at 760-924-4610. We have cans of Similac formula to distribute to WIC participants.
Aviso: Si usted está teniendo dificultad encontrando formula en la tienda, por favor llame a la oficina del WIC al (760) 924-4610. Ahora tenemos formula de Similac que podemos distribuir a nuestros participantes.
Mono County WIC Hours of Operations
Location | Days and hours |
CIVIC CENTER Mono County Public Health 1290 Tavern Rd., Ste 246 - 2nd Floor Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546 |
In-Office Days and Hours vary. Please call 760-924-4610 for more information or to schedule an appointment.
Bridgeport Public Health 37 Emigrant St Bridgeport CA, 93517 |
Please call 760-924-4610 for more information or to schedule an appointment |
Walker Community Center 442 Mule Deer Dr. Walker, CA 96107 |
Please call 760-924-4610 for more information or to schedule an appointment |
June Lake Community Center 90 West Granite June Lake, CA 93529 |
Please call 760-924-4610 for more information or to schedule an appointment |
Lee Vining Community Center 296 Mattly Ave Lee Vining, CA 93541 |
Please call 760-924-4610 for more information or to schedule an appointment |
Marine and Family Services Building 700 Champagne Ave Coleville, CA 96107 |
Please call 760-924-4610 for more information or to schedule an appointment |
WIC tools
- California WIC Card
- English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gz_j2hkvb2c&t=1s [8]
- en Español: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0hxhnXxxlg [9]
- Download the WIC App
- For iPhone: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/california-wic-app/id1465925233 [10]
- For Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=gov.ca.cdph.cawic&hl=en_US... [11]
- Save these phone numbers:
- WIC Card Support: 1-844-469-3264
- WIC Program: 1-800-852-5770
- If you forget your PIN, call WIC Card Support for 24 hour help.
- Check your WIC Food Balance Before You Shop
- Use the free California WIC app on your smartphone.
- Look at your store receipt from your last shopping trip.
- Ask a cashier or customer service person at the grocery store to print your WIC Food Balance.
- Call the toll free number on the back of your WIC Card, 1-844-4MY-FAMILY or 1-844-469-3264.
- Go online to www.myfamily.wic.ca.gov [12]
- Select Your WIC Foods At the Store
- Get just the WIC foods you need at each shopping trip.
- Use your WIC Authorized Food List Shopping Guide, the free California WIC app, and your WIC Food Balance to help you choose the right foods.
- Shopping Guide: https://myfamily.wic.ca.gov/Home/ShoppingforWICFoods#ShoppingforWICFoods [13]
- Separate your WIC foods from your non-WIC items as you shop to make checkout easier.
- To complete an online nutrition or breastfeeding class on your own time and at your own pace, go to:
- Fillable/printable referral forms
- Medical Formula and Nutritionals Request
- Infant/Child
- Pregnant Parent
- Postpartum Parent
- Website containing educational handouts for lactation in multiple languages
*This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
https://www.fns.usda.gov/cr/fns-nondiscrimination-statement [19]