The Mono County Environmental Health Department serves as the Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) for the solid waste facilities in Mono County. Mono County was designated and certified as the LEA in 1992 by the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery – CalRecycle - (which was then known as the California Integrated Waste Management Board -CIWMB).
As the LEA, Mono County Environmental Health ensures that solid waste permit processes and procedures, closure and post-closure requirements, and solid waste facility operations are all conducted in keeping with the Public Resources Code, Title 14 and Title 27. The LEA performs periodic inspections of all solid waste facilities located within Mono County, including active, closed, illegal and abandoned solid waste sites to ensure that these facilities are in compliance with CalRecycle State Minimum Standards and ensure that there are no solid waste related nuisances or health and safety impacts.
If necessary, the LEA will carry out enforcement activities to ensure that solid waste will be collected, handled and disposed according to applicable laws and regulations, solid waste facility permit conditions and operating documents.
For information regarding Medical Waste, contact the California Department of Public Health Medical Waste Management Program: Medical Waste Management Program
Information on Household Hazardous Waste, including e-waste and universal waste: Household Hazardous Waste and CalRecycle