June Lake Public Utilites District
The June Lake Public Utility District is located in Mono County approximately 300 miles northeast of Los Angeles and about 145 miles south of Reno, Nevada. The District is situated in the June Lake Loop, which is just south of Highway 395 at Highway 158.
The June Lake Loop is an area of great natural beauty lying immediately east of the main divide (crest) of the Sierra Nevada Mountains at an average elevation of about 7,600 feet. The area consists of a string of lakes: June Lake, Gull Lake, Silver Lake and Grant Lake. June Lake, Gull Lake and Silver Lake are located in the District boundaries. June Mountain is located southeast of June Lake and reaches height of 10,125 feet.
The District boundaries include an area of approximately 1,720 acres of unicorporated residential, commercial and undeveloped land. The District provides water to distinct areas within the District's boundaries; the Village, West Village and Down Canyon.
A Little History
The initial development of the June Lake Loop known as The Village, occurred in the 1930's and grew slowly and without any specific plan or goal.
June Mountain ski area was completed in 1960 and until that time all development within the community centered around summer recreational uses and consisted primarily of Forest Service summer home tracts, campgrounds, permanent and semi-permanent residences and commercial resort facilities.
In April of 1990, the District acquired the Down Canyon water system from the Williams Tract County Water District. This area is primarily oriented to seasonal and year-round homes and to support commercial and recreational uses for the June Lake Loop.
The District provides sewerage service to the three major service areas, June Lake Village, Down-Canyon and USFS Tracts. The District has two main lift stations located in the Village and one in the Down Canyon area. These lift stations carry the sewerage to our Waste Water Treatment Plant located off Highway 395. This system was constructed in 1970.
Water Plants
Water for the Village system is provided from a diversion dam at Snow Creek and the intake facility in June Lake. The original construction of the Village water system was in the 1940's, including the Snow Creek diversion facility. The June Lake treatment facilities, including a filtration plant, lake intake and storage tank, were constructed in 1972.
The District today has approximately 660 customers for both water and sewer services.