January is National Radon Action Month

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Through a grant from the California Public Health Dept, Environmental Health ran a Radon Awareness Campaign in print and on the radio.  Over 20 radon testing kits were picked up in Mammoth/June and 2 in North County, more have been ordered. Most all takers said they had heard the Radon ad on the radio. Ads ran on KSRW, KMMT and KIBS. Radon is a radioactive gas found in nearly all soils.  Radon may migrate from the ground and enter into your home.  You cannot see, smell or taste radon gas. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking. If discovered, home radon leaks can be repaired. Radon testing is recommended for all Mono County homes, including those of Mono County employees.

To participate and receive the free short-term radon test kit click on this link: