Child Health

Watch two short videos, short presentation from social services, and open community discussion. Learn about adverse and positive childhood experiences and their effect on our health. Discuss county services to support resiliency and gaps in services.
Recorded Webinar
What is trauma informed care? video
Watch "Doctor" in English and Spanish
Trainings for parents, teachers, students:
The California Healthy Minds, Thriving Kids Project
A series of free, evidence-based video and print resources that caregivers and educators can use to teach their kids critical mental health and coping skills. The project was born of an innovative partnership between the state of California and the Child Mind Institute.
Adverse Childhood Relationship Experiences: Connection Between Childhood Trauma and Chronic Illness
The Role of Race and Ethnicity on ACEs and Developmental Disabilities
Racism is an Adverse Childhood Experience
Specific resources for providers:
Regulating the Stress Response for Kids: Practical Tips for Primary Care Providers
Provider Toolkit: Screening and Responding to the Impact of ACEs and Toxic Stress
Supporting Patients in Pregnancy: ACEs and Maternal Health
COVId-19 resources and articles
Children's Activity Book on COVID-19
Coping with Stress During COVID-19 Pandemic
How The Pandemic Is Affecting Every Aspect Of Children’s Lives
COVID-19 Resources for Children with Special Health Care Needs
Gun Violence
Guns have become the leading cause of death for children in America. Learn more with this infographic from The National Institute for Health Care Management (NIHCM) Foundation.
Since 2018, there have been at least 2,740 mass shootings across the country. There have been 40 mass shootings so far in 2023. Gun violence continues to be a major public health problem in the United States, with far-reaching negative mental and physical impacts.
These shareable, updated graphics explore the health and mental health impacts from mass shootings and firearm related incidents, as well as the recent federal legislation to address gun violence.
The pandemic and recent gun violence throughout the country has highlighted the importance of addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and investing in programs and strategies that support children. Watch this recorded webinar to hear experts discuss ways to address ACEs and hear about partnerships to help children with ACEs heal.
BulletPoints Project-California Firearm Violence Research Center at UC