Reproductive Health / Salud Reproductiva
Free Resources / Recursos gratuitos:
Pregnancy testing/ Prueba de embarazo
Sexually Transmitted Infection Testing/ Pruebas infecciones transmitidas sexualmente
Health Insurance assistance/ Asistencia de seguro medico
WIC referral/ Referencia para el WIC
Prenatal vitamins/ Vitaminas prenatales
Birth Control Counseling and referrals/ Consejería de anti conceptivos y referencias
Infant Safe Sleep supplies/ Suministros para el sueño seguro de bebés
Maternal Mental Health Resources/ Recursos de salud mental materna
Oral Health Supplies/Suministros de salud dental
Air purifiers (limited supplies)/Purificadores de aire (suministros limitados)
Call to make an appointment at your preferred Mono County location, 760-924-1830
Llame para haceruna cita en su ubicación preterida en el condado de Mono, 760-924-1830
COVID-19 Resources for Maternal and Infant Health
COVID-19 Resources for Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health Programs
Resources for professionals, parents, and caregivers
Education for Professionals
Perinatal Substance Use Education Workshop Recording
Health Education Resources for Pregnant Persons

Pregnancy and the Flu Shot: It’s routine prenatal care
¡El embarazo y la vacuna contra la gripe: ¡Es parte de tu cuidado prenatal!

Pregnancy and Opioids: What You Need to Know
Opioid use can cause problems for a developing baby in the early weeks of pregnancy, even before a woman knows she is pregnant. The California Department of Public Health is working to educate California’s moms-to-be and families about the risks associated with opioids during pregnancy
Learn more at the California Department of Public Health website

Maternal Mental Health Symptoms and Solutions
May is Maternal Mental Health Month, but this 60-second educational video is appropriate to show year-round. Teach families, especially moms and moms-to-be, about perinatal depression and help them learn that seeking help is a sign of strength.
Learn more at the California Department of Public Health website

URGENT MATERNAL WARNING SIGNS (click here to see website with list)
Printable PDF English Printable PDF Spanish
If you have any of these symptoms during or after pregnancy, contact your health care provider and get help right away. If you can’t reach your provider, go to the emergency room.
Additional tips for using this list:
This list is not meant to cover everything you might be experiencing. If you feel like something just isn’t right, it’s always best to tell your provider and get the help you need.
Always remember to say that you’re pregnant or have been pregnant within the last year when getting help.
Symptoms are listed from head to toe